Why is Gratitude So Important in Addiction Recovery?

 In Sober living

why is gratitude important in recovery

However, someone who practices gratitude can appreciate the benefits sober living will have in their life and be better able to maintain sobriety. When you’re mired in the depths of addiction, other negative situations often come along with it. Substance abuse strains relationships, impacts personal finances, and can stymie your career, among other potential barriers to happiness. https://ecosoberhouse.com/article/alcoholics-heart-problems-cardiomyopathy/ Expressing gratitude to friends, family, and support systems is a powerful way to strengthen relationships and promote wellbeing. Showing appreciation for the people who have supported us through difficult times can help us feel more grounded and connected, while also boosting our sense of self-worth. Gratitude letters have a powerful healing effect on individuals.

  • Be generous in sharing and showing your appreciation for their actions and efforts as you go about your day.
  • One way is to begin journaling about the things in your life that you are grateful for right now.

Stuck in a rut? How to appreciate your life again, according to science

  • Gratitude is not a magic bullet that will cure your addiction overnight.
  • Not only does volunteering help us get out of our heads and inot the present moment.
  • The key is to be specific and sincere about what you appreciate.
  • Allowing your addiction to continue is only going to cause negative consequences in your life.
  • But what happens for most is when we start to think those judgemental and negative thoughts we think of more things about the person or situation we don’t like.

If you’re not able to practice gratitude in social settings or in your communication with people, practice gratitude introspectively by journaling or creating a gratitude list. Gratitude lists are a helpful tool for people battling addiction, depression, and other afflictions that impact the inclination and willingness to experience gratitude. By doing something kind or helpful for someone else, we not only bring happiness into their lives but also cultivate feelings of joy and satisfaction within ourselves. This can help us to see the world through a more positive lens and inspire us to make changes that benefit not only ourselves but those around us too. Research has shown that practicing gratitude can lead to improved physical health as well as a decrease in depression symptoms.

why is gratitude important in recovery

Substance Use Treatment

Gratitude is one key that you can use to unlock new depths of joy in your recovery process. There are various ways to practice gratitude, but the most important part is to appreciate what you have and what you’ve accomplished. When you cultivate gratitude, you also avoid negative thinking and behaviors. Gratitude can be defined as one’s inclination to be mindful and appreciative of what is good in our lives and return the kindness we have received back into the world.

why is gratitude important in recovery

Addiction Treatment Programs

The following reasons to practice gratitude are just some of the many ways that practicing gratitude can help you in your recovery. It can be hard to feel grateful every day, especially as you’re going through all the ups and downs of recovery. But a lot about practicing gratitude is focusing your perspective. You need to be realistic in recognizing that sometimes you’ll have bad days.

What Life Looks Like with Gratitude

Gratitude, referred to as one of the “foundational virtues in the creation of happiness” [3], works at combatting the negative emotions that may be present in recovery. Individuals who are more appreciative of their life, the people in it, and their own strength often feel more in control of their lives and emotions. These feelings are essential during a time when why is gratitude important in recovery things may feel beyond one’s control. It may also help individuals view recovery as a challenge that will help them grow instead of as an obstacle that could overtake them. It means recognizing the blessings and goodness in our lives, even during challenging and difficult times. Gratitude is usually accompanied by feelings of joy, contentment, and humility.

Show people you are thankful for them

why is gratitude important in recovery

why is gratitude important in recovery

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